Just a quick Prettie Post today because I am going over to my parent's to help out with their garage sale...they are moving to Nashville at the end of this month...I can't even believe it!
We were able to go and see their house while on our trip this past month and it is absolutely beautiful. The foothills of the Smokies are just beautiful and hey...it's a LITTLE bit warmer in the winters...that is a HUGE plus! Not a bad drive either, honestly. Of course, this is all stuff I'm telling myself to make myself feel better and not cry all the time LOL...they'll be in the south though, which is where we plan to end up..so that's a good thing. Just hopefully sooner than later!
Ahhhh...still going to be so hard. Even though I don't see them as often as I'd like, I still had the comfort of knowing they were closeby...but anyway, my Mom is probably going to read this and then feel badly and then I'll feel badly...ack! LOL! Anyway, this Bunny Slippers Sophia reminds me of when I was in high school and I would be sick. Not that Sophia LOOKS old, but just that I used to dress in a similar robe and slippers and would remember feeling like even though I was "old" (lol because you know in HS you know everything :), I was still always so grateful to stay home when I was sick and be taken care of by my Mom. I'm in my thirties now, and still want my mom when I'm sick :) That's how it should be, I think, if you're lucky enough to have someone take care of you the way I was taken care of and hope that I do the same for my own kiddos...
I didn't get much stamping done on our vacation, as we were gone pretty much from 8:30 am to like 11pm every day LOL. However, I did do some stamping from our Hotel room in SC one day when it was kind of overcast and chilly and the rest of the fam was swimming...they are die-hards...if it's 65 degrees they'll be in there splashing around! I can't do that, so I opted to stay inside.
This is a SUPER simple card, as I had limited access to supplies, but I just LOVE this little Bunny Slippers Sophia. Not only for her cuteness, but because she brings back memories to me. This adorable gal was just RE-Released in RUBBAH at our last Stampin' in your Jammies party. So if you dont' have her, grab her! She's too sweet! When you head on over to Paper Pretties, make sure you grab one of the AMAZING new Stamp storage binders too! All the info can be found HERE.
Have a Blessed Easter weekend everyone...I will be taking in ALL the family time I can this weekend. Hugs to all!
Jessica ;)
I love your "quick" posts. ;) Being far from parents is hard when you're a super close family, but it gives you more reasons to go on little trips!
I love this card and this stamp! I think this looks like me every morning...in my comfies and always with a few big yawns! So Cute!!
How cute is she.. I want bunny slippers too!... oh wait donkey slippers! Really a wonderful card.. and I would have been inside stamping with you too... brr too cold to swim!
She is adorable!!! I love the colors and papers you used too!!!
Your coloring is totally great as well!!!
Great Job Jess!!!
This is too stinkin' cute! I can't imagine either one of my parents moving away from me. :( I'll be praying for you sweetie and hope you and your family have a fantastic Easter!
I am so sorry your parents are moving, but hopefully you will get to move soon too!!
Super cute card!
Cute card!! I love all the pearl accents! And, I LOVE this stamp!! I have a pair of bunny slippers just like that!! They are my fav!
Don't be sad! Just think of the fun visits you'll have! And, how beautiful the scenery will be! But, I totally get you. My drive to my parents' house is almost 8 hours. But I do it several times a year (sometimes I fly, too) and it just makes my visits all the more special. Oh, and I don't think we ever grow out of wanting our moms when we're sick. But, it might have something to do with the fact that my husband cannot even go to the store to get me medicine without calling me from the aisle asking "what does the box look like"...and then coming home with 5 different cold/flu meds cause he didn't know which one to buy.
Have a great weekend!!
I wish your mom a very safe and good move... Even though it is hard for both of you... I know what you feel know, Jessica...
But just imagine my mom lives across the ocean, I don't even know when I will see her again...
So it is not bad! And one more good thing you can visit her and it is much warmer in TN!!!
Sending you my hugs,
Opss... forgot about your card! It is so cute!!! I love this image!
I just have to say your parents Garage Sale was the best ever!!! Seriously I loved the stories! That is hard to have your parents move away1 NO matter how old you get you are still their baby! I know I miss mine terribly, but like you said it won't be too bad of a drive! I love this card! the colors and layout are beautiful and the paper is awesome! Sophia is just adorable and colored beautifully! I always want to wear a robe and look super gorgeous like all the women do in the movies but I honestly look more like poor sophia! LOL!
How adorable!! LOVE that cute image and your pretty soft colors! :)
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