Hey everyone!
I am doing a little giveaway on the TGF Blog today to show you something SO sweet, you won't believe your EYES!
Before I go any further, I just have to say something about our little TGF community. It is going to be THREE years in August for this little company and while I'm still in awe by that, I'm also not surprised because our community is TRULY special. Having had the privilege several times of being able to get out on the road and meet some of you only solidifies this, but the ones I haven't met face to face sometimes become just as important to us...
...a few weeks ago, I got a really nice comment on a blog post of mine that, coincidentally had NOTHING to do with stamping. I got the sweetest comment from one of my blog followers who happens to be a HUGE fan of TGF, Jammie Clark. Her comment was SO nice that I felt compelled to email back to thank her, and after a few emails exchanged back and forth, it seems I had met yet another one of those 'soul sisters' out there- the ones you don't need time on your side or to know anything about one another until you find out and go "YOU TOO????"
Well, not only do Jammie and I share common thoughts about the universe, we also LOVE sweets ;) You see, Jammie owns a bakery called THINK CAKE and is the mastermind behind these, that ended up at my doorstep a few days ago:
ARE THEY NOT AMAZING?!!?!?!?!? I tell you what, they are delicious, but hard to eat because they are SO pretty. Man, we don't limit ourselves to cards here at TGF, and I LOVE that! Take a closer look at these beauties:
(my DD has dibs on this one- I'm not allowed to touch, LOL!!)
SO freakin' CUTE!
I have a cough, does that count? I think I'll eat it ;)
These are just a FEW of the cookies up close- the talent here is truly AMAZING!
I am SO blessed to have 'met' Jammie and I have a feeling we'll be chatting it up for SOME time. If you LOVE these, she does custom orders and ships, and these cookies ALL arrived in one piece. I was SO surprised by her generosity and it was truly touching. Not to mention you should have seen the look on my kids faces, they were NONE too impressed with my baking skills after this, haha!
Be sure to check out Jammie's FACEBOOK page , BLOG and WEBSITE, and thanks again, sweet friend for the WONDERFUL surprise! Oh, and if you DO "like" Jammie's Facebook page and tell her Jess from TGF sent you, be sure to come back here and leave a comment about these FABULOUS cookies and I will be GIVING AWAY a "BIRTHDAY ANYA" (think....cake ;) to ONE lucky commenter on the TGF BLOG! (if you don't have a FB page that's ok, just leave a comment w/ some love for our friend Jammie...but really you should have a FB page b/c there are soooo many giveaways from craft mags and stamp co's there all the time- it's the wave of the marketing future, peeps!)
Jess :)

OMGosh They really are the cutest!! I bet they taste as yummy as they look :)
Have a great day
Truly sweet! What a great idea!
Literally SWEET is right!!! OMGOSH! they are adorable... too cute to take a bite! hehe!!
What a sweet RAK indeed! So much wonderful details, I wouldn't want to eat them.. But just for a minute or two.. hehehe, lucky girl. :)
FAB FAB Idea girl!!~
Such a sweet, creative RAK! They do look too cute to eat!
These are truly awesome!! I love TGF!!! I 'liked' Jammie's facebook page too!! Thanks for the chance to win.
How sweet!
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