Ok, so truth be told? I had written this post for my Designer Spotlight on the TGF BLOG before I knew that it would be my 1,000th post here.
HOW FITTING when you read what I wrote and copied/pasted below from the TGF Blog. Wow...1,000. That's a BIG number, and a perfect opportunity to share some stuff with you :) Here's the post from today:
"I'm up for the "Designer Spotlight" this week and well, it's funny, it was a lot easier for me to tell the other girls what to say or write about than my own spotlight here since I feel like I've gotten to know so many of you over the years and you've gotten to know me, too! So, as not to bore you w/ the same ol', same ol', I thought I'd answer a few of the "most asked questions" that I get about myself and hope that will sastisfy your curiosities for the moment, anyway, heehee.
The NUMBER ONE question I get asked time and time again is "How do you find time to do it all?"
Well, first thing's first- I set "office hours" for myself each day. I didn't used to, but since I began working a "real job" as my kids call it for TGF, along w/ wanting to keep designing and not just working administrative, marketing and behind-the-scenes stuff, this was necessary.
I have a routine. I get up, make lunches, take the kids to school, and then first thing I do is go make my bed. (factoid #1 about me-I cannot STAND an unmade bed, LOL!). After this, I do whatever laundry, cleaning needs to be done. Mind you, my kids get to school at 7am, so even if I have toilets to scrub, I am still done w/ housework by about 9am. Some days I will grab a quick coffee, mess around on Facebook or blogs, and THEN clean, but either way, cleaning is done by morning. (ok, cleaning is NEVER done, but you catch my drift ;)
Everything else kind of falls into place between the hours of 9 and 2:30, regardless of whether it's admin/computer stuff, running errands, or actually crafting, although I do a lot of crafting after the kids go to bed as well. I also keep a very detailed calendar of all the goings-on for the week and that helps too! It's not the SAME every day, but having a good 'outline' definitely helps!
Question #2- "What is the best 'style' I should have if I want to be on a DT someday?"
Honestly, I get asked this just as much if not more as the first question. Hence, a little card I have to share with you today:
I know that there is a ton of competition out there, but there is a ton of talent too. Lifting each other up and inspiring one another has been the #1 joy of mine as a crafter/blogger more than anything else. I hear all too often stories that break my heart about how competitive this industry can get sometimes, but I have to say that overall, I am really blessed to be among a great network of women who EMPOWER, INSPIRE, and take pride in LEARNING from each other.
because YOU, my friends...are awesomesauce. ;)
Now, of course, I'm not an 'expert' in any way here- just writing from a place of hope that since you guys have asked these things of me in the past, that today was a good day for us to discuss them :) While I love being complimented on my cards or projects, art is so subjective, and it honestly means more to me to hear things like "you inspired me", or "you gave me the little push I needed to go for it," or "that was just what I needed to hear today", etc.
That's the thing about this little Blogosphere of ours...it is so much more than stamping. Of course, though, if you ask me, i'll definitely tell ya what some of my favorite stamps are...but I think you guys already know the ANSWER to that! (hint, it rhymes with "Fleeting Arm"...)
That's all for me today, but be sure to check out the Farm Fresh Challenge Blog, where I got my inspiration for today's layout! See you over there and keep on bein' YOU <3"
Jess :)
P.S...so how was THAT for fitting? 1,000 posts- crazy, right??? Well, I am going to have some celebratory BLOG CANDY coming soon...but instead of having it here, I think I'm going to put it on my new non-crafty blog, Yeah, She Blogs.... be sure to go check that out and I'll be announcing some more deets later this week!
Love to all!

Really? 1000? Wow!
Totally wonderful card, Jess!
WoW 1000 Posts! Fantastic effort Jess.
Love this card and everything you said in your Designer Spotlight. I think some times along the way we get a little lost in trying to be everything else that we forget to just be OURSELF! Thanks so much for reminding us or um Me...hehe!
Love Ya!
Sweet card!
Your designer spotlight repertoire is right on!! You can definitely say that you inspire in everything and everyone you touch in life. You are truly special!
Congrats on your 1,000! I am almost halfway there!, lol!
Congratulations and I love your motto, be yourself!
<3, just <3
LOVE your card Jess! It's fantastic! I love the layout and the big letters... really fantastic. And PERFECT stamp for that sentiment.
Wow Jess, congrats on your 1000th post! And what a FANTASTIC card!! You are such an inspirational, kind person! I was so lucky to have you be such a big part of my blogging and DT experience! Here's to several thousand more - I look forward to reading them! :-)Traci
Congrats on your 1000th post! Your card is just lovely!
I LOOOOVE your card! Congrats on hitting your 1000th! Very exciting :)
hugs to you!
1000 posts!! That's AWEsome, Jess!!! Woot woot!
AND adorable card!!! Love her!!
Congrats Jess!! What an accomplishment. Here's to a 1,000 more!! Fun and fantastic card, just like you. Hugs! :)
You SO totally rock girlie! Congrats on 1000 posts!!!
Congrats on the BIG 1000! I agree, BE YOURSELF! Being genuine and true is best! Luv your card for the challenge!
This is the cutestcard, LOVE it! Congrats on #1000!
ACK i love this hun its fantastuc, i love the sentiment...especially as i am always myself but sometimes wonder if i shouldnt be..being forthright sometimes gets me in deep water :). But today i am taking inspiration from your card and totally going to just be happy with ME!
thanks sweets
love tasha xx
Congratulation Jess! That is really an accomplishment! Thank you for all the talent and ins[iration that you have given me over all those posts! Here is to another 1,000! :D
Blessings and Hugs,
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