....SO excited that I recorded "the haul"...
No glue was harmed in the making of this video...
....outtakes to come...there'll probably be LOTS ;)
HINT: For better quality, watch on the smaller screen and not enlarging it, sorry. You tube wouldn't take the video b/c it was too long and well, you don't really need to see up my nose anyway ;)
Thank you to my sweet girls for helping film this and a HUGE HUGE Thank you to HELMAR and Tracy Weinzapfel for the AMAZING person and boss that she is!

I remember when I got my first box from Tracy. It was like Christmas!!! Amazing, isn't it?!! Have fun with it all!!
Wow That was one amazing box of goodies, I have to admit, I'm more than a little jealous, lol!!
The best bit of the video for me tho, was getting to hear your beautiful voice, can't believe I've never heard it before.
Great to see the girls joining in the fun too.
Love to you all
YOU did such a wonderful job with this. I love the video. I am so excited to see what you create with it!
Looks like you girls had a lot of fun making the video and unpacking all those goodies
What a fun video and haul of goodies!! Jess, your daughters are adorable!!
Quote of the day: "But we DON'T like black widows!" OMG, equally hilarious and adorable! Thanks for sharing your haul!
how cute are you and your girls!!! loved this - i can't believe you did all that editing with multiple takes - kudos! i just had to do one take. haha i'm not THAT cool LOVE what you got and can't wait to see what yo create girl! *hugs*
It's YOU!!! Hi :)
What a great video! Sweet girlies!
and an awesome box of goodies!
Can't wait to see what you and your dolls will create with it all!
hugs, margie
oh, Jessica, you are so cute (and so are your girls)! I loved being able to hear your voice and WHAT A HAUL! Makes me want to give Helmar products a good try!!
Hi Jessica. This was a great video with your girls. I could npt see in anyway that you seemed nervous! I think you are a natural. lol.. Were can a person purchase Helma dimentionals & the tape runner from? Thanks so much. Hugs, Lisa G
You and your girls did a great job Jessica!!
That was so much fun to watch and to hear your voice!! I hope you will do some tutorials soon because I know you would do a great job!
Hope you are enjoying the weekend. It looks like you had a great time at the lake! Hope tomorrow is the same!
Blessings and Hugs,
Awesome vid girly! too bad it kept buffering on my comp! LOL!! Love the new goodies!
Love love love the video and your helpers ROCK! Love all the amazing haul and new goodies! Keep up the good work and can't wait to see you again in video mode!
OMG! I'd totally be in crafters coma after getting that box! I would not know what to use or make first.... good thing you have little ones who demand you make hello kitty and halloween things .... kinds gifes you direction when you are overwhelmed in a box full of awesomness! hahahah Have tons o' fun!
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