While we are out enjoying the lake this weekend, I know that it's because it is a time to HONOR our ARMED FORCES...our troops...the COURAGEOUS ONES.... including my Dad who is a decorated Navy retiree, my first cousin, Matt, who is currently deployed (his 2nd deployment) serving and protecting our country, and all of the exemplary men and women who have gone before us, are wounded because of, or are currently serving so that the rest of us can enjoy this beautiful weekend feeling safe because of THEM.
Happy and HONORED to call them our family, neighbors, and courageous strangers.
THANK YOU for all you do!

My dad is an Air Force Vet (Bay of Pigs!!! wowie!) My olders BIL is active National Guard (past Army), my 2nd BIL was a Marine, and my last BIL is currently in Afganastan (3rd tour). So yeah, I'm with you this weekend for sure... HONOR those men and women out there fighing for us. Raise your glass to the troops who stand on the borders and in foregin lands to make sure we have the freedom to raise that very glass! Hope memorial weekend is great for you all... sounds like you have a lot of military family to be proud of!
WOW! Thanks to all who serve for our freedom!! I taught on a military base over in Germany--and my heart goes out to those who serve for our country! I def. think this weekend is to honor them!
Great pics! Looks like everyone had a great time!!!
Gorgeous Photos Jess, Looks like you guys are having a great time!
I soooo agree with you Jess that all Men and Women in our Armed Forces do an AMAZING job! Especially today when one of our very own Australians has been brought back home to be laid to rest. Thank-you to all for what they do!
Looks like you guys had a great time on the lake! So glad you are all doing well in TN! And you said it beautifully about appreciating the service of our men and women in uniform. I agree whole heartedly!
You guys are so cute, and fun!
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